You will be asked to sign this agreement before going on the Saint Louis Dark History Walking Tour hosted by Rachel Woodall. If you have any questions please email
Liability Waiver and Release
Voluntary Participation
I understand and confirm that my participation in this Walking Tour is voluntary. I am in good health and suffer from no physical or mental condition that would make me susceptible to injury or disability while participating in this Walking Tour.
Understanding Risks
I am aware of the risks, dangers and hazards involved in my participation in this Walking Tour. I understand that this Walking Tour takes place in public venues under conditions largely beyond the control of Walking Tour host, Rachel Woodall. Potential risks may include, but are not limited to, uneven walking surfaces, potholes, raised path edges, wet or slippery ground, steps, curbs, low lighting, narrow walkways, traffic movement, road crossings, diversions due to construction or exposure to weather conditions.
Assuming Risks
I assume all risks involved in participation in this walking tour. I accept personal responsibility for any liability, injury, loss, or damage in any way connected with my participation in this Walking Tour.
Consent to Medical Treatment
I authorize Rachel Woodall to provide me with customary medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services as the result of injury or health condition. This consent does not impose a duty upon Rachel Woodall to provide such assistance, transportation, or services. I have the right to refuse medical assistance and understand Rachel Woodall will provide assistance if I am incapacitated.
I, the undersigned, waive any and all claims I may have now and in the future, and release from all liability and agree not to sue Rachel Woodall for any personal injury, death, property damage, or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in this Walking Tour.